New work boots, lots of rain, Saturday shopping for equipment, and a distinguished visitor graced week eight of the workshop.
The windows, stairs, and door taking shape while the class works in teams |
Tres Amigos |
Adam and Doc spent Sunday afternoon at the Saria Factory on street 41 looking for a pair of safety boots for each and every team-mate. This was followed by a trip to Souk Ashaabi close by to get socks. It was a bit like Christmas when we arrived back at the site with the packages. However, as half the class had given us the wrong shoe size, we had to go back the next day to get different sizes and also make another trip to Souk Sagana for barbed wire.
Abeer working hard with some new boots |
Souk Sagana near the barbed wire shop |
Sporting some nice new boots |
Engineer Mujtaba working the details |
Some smaller shoes for the women |
Abubaker, Amjed, Rihab, Abeer, Mohammed Issa, and Bushara hang out on top of the dome |
Engineer Mubarak is pensive |
Our amazing ARC Peace architect Najlaa - without whom we could not have done the project |
Raha takes some really nice pictures with Doc's camera |
Imam Ahmed Al Mahdi surprised the team with a visit on Tuesday afternoon, just missing prayers, but spending time meeting the team and enticing them with promises of a BBQ on his farm when the dome is finished.
Team poses with Imam Ahmed Al Mahdi |
Imam Ahmed chats with Ustaz Hooman about the dome |
Engineer Mubarak answers some questions from the Imam while Ustaz Hooman and Raha look at pictures - Lila looks on |
On Wednesday, God declared a holiday as it rained so hard that the entire city was flooded and no one could get anywhere. Najlaa and folks on the site took flood pictures and shared with us. We had to skip business class as well.
God declared a holiday on Wednesday with a flood - the domes stood firm |
we were back hard at work. The ladies of Mayo arranged a ‘going away’ Sudanese
coffee for Raha since she and Hooman are leaving us next week and it will be the Eid holiday. Lila and Fatima amazed us with
their drum rhythms on the wooden coffee mortar and pestle along with a little
Lila roasts the coffee while Fatima prepares to grind the cooked beans |
Abeer and Rihab pose with Lila at the coffee |
The ladies dress Doc up in a shiny tobe and all of us pose together for Raha at Lila's house |
Abeer poses in the shiny tobe |
Raha filming the coffee |
After work Raha went to hang out with the ladies and get some henna
decorations, but much of the days she is filming for a documentary - and some days spends a lot of time using time lapse photography on top of the cistern.
Aaron takes a picture of Raha perched on the cistern taking time lapse |
showed a final power point presentation of some of the fine-tuning of dome
designs and techniques with examples from Chad, Darfur, and Sierra Leone. He
kept the class riveted with great stories from his work in Africa and
the Middle East. The domes are truly beautiful and we can’t wait to see what
the team will come up with on their own in Mayo and Darfur. We are confident
that amazing designs will come out of the training. The material can fashion
into water reservoirs, sinks, lights, benches, domes, clinics, luxury houses,
and single dome houses.
Ustaz Hooman presents his final power point to the class showing some great earth bag creations he has done around the world |
Doc and Adam attended the funeral for Dr. Abdalla’s only son. Grief beyond
measure is shared by the TEPS team and ours.
The kindergarten kids hang out on the compound and remind us of a brighter future |
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